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What Do They Believe?
A resource every Christian should have on their bookshelf.

What Do They Believe?” is a concise, yet comprehensive, look at the 17 religious movements. Written for “The Man in the Street,” this Manual examines each movement briefly under nine doctrinal headings and includes each one's "speciality" and history.

The Manual also briefly reviews basic Christian doctrine and shows you how to “test” teaching according to Biblical standards. Highly recommended for Bible Studies and teaching sessions, this is a “must have” for anyone who deals with people.

The groups reviewed include Children of God, Christadelphians, Christian Science, Eastern Religions, Freemasonry, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Moonies, Mormons, New Age Movement, Old/New Apostles, “Oneness” doctrines (Jesus Only), Plain Truth, School of Truth, Scientology, Seventh Day Adventists, Spiritism, and Transcendental Meditation.

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Category: Religious Philosophy: Cults & Isms
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