Four Ways to Make Money

Four Ways to Make Money

Previously Published in September 2015 on my blog before it crashed and went into cyberspace.
People are always looking for money. We need finance to exist in this life, no matter who we are, especially in these End Times when economies are so unstable.
There are really only four ways to make money and avoid being hoodwinked by gimmicks. get-rich-quick schemes,  and scams.

There are really only four ways to make money!

  1. WIN IT. Not a sure way to raise finance and many people end up losing more than they win as they try to gamble their way to riches.
  2. INHERIT IT. Not a sure way either. You have to have some rich relatives who think you’re the best thing after sliced bread.
  3. BEG, BORROW or STEAL IT. Absolutely not recommended. All are short-lived with long-term consequences. Fraud, scams, dishonest dealings and lies have a short life. Ask  “Bernie” Madoff, an American swindler, former stockbroker, investment advisor and financier trusted by thousands. He got away with his nefarious schemes for a long time, but they finally caught up with him.  The FIFA chaps also found that this is a slippery slope.
  4. TRADE SOMETHING FOR IT. Now we are talking! You either have to trade your TIME, ASSETS or EXPERTISE for money. There is no other way to real financial independence.
There are really only four ways to make money! Share on X
Once you understand this, the rest is much easier to figure out.

Ask yourself:

  • Do I have time available? Get a full-time or part-time job and work for someone. Look for opportunities or create them. Join sites like or and offer your services. Remember, though, you only have so many hours in a day.
  • Do I have assets I can trade for money? Good question. You can get into Affiliate Marketing by recommending products from online marketplaces like Amazon, Clickbank, JVZOO and get paid good commissions for sales without having to handle the goods and finance yourself. Then you have eBay, Craigslist, OLX, Bid&Buy and a host of other sites that allow you to buy and sell. You can even sell at Fleamarket stalls, fetes, bazaars. There are opportunities everywhere.
  • Do I have some expertise? This is a far better question and the results are more satisfying. Write some short reports and sell them to people who need to know what you know. Write Kindle books and publish them for free on Amazon’s global platform – and earn great royalties ranging from 30% to 70%. Teach courses on Udemy. Run seminars and webinars.

Why would people want to pay you for information when they can find it free on the internet?

Simply because they have to search for the information they want, sift out the good from the not-so-good and put it all together in a workable plan. It’s so much easier to pay someone who knows exactly what to do and worth the money as they exchange their cash for your expertise. Think about it. Everybody knows something that others want to know. You can write one course, one eBook or one report and sell it over and over again.

All you need are some creative ideas

Ask the Lord for some creative ideas. The Holy Spirit can inspire you in ways you have never dreamed of.

You can get the “how-to” by asking Google and watching some YouTube videos that walk you through the technical side of things.

I had an Author friend who ended every teaching session with the words: “Now Go Home… and Write Something.”
I end this blog post with the same thought: Now Go Home… and Trade Something!

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